Long vs Wide Data

The way we store data is often different from the way it is used to create visualizations, or how it is fed into models. Often the data stored in a database is in tidy format (as described in this paper by Hadley Wickham), and we have to transform it into a form appropriate for our analysis.

The two forms of data we will talk about are long and wide.

  • Long form This is very close to the tidy format. It typically makes the data easy to store, and allows easy transformations to other types.
  • Wide form Useful when looking at multiple lines / series on a graph, or when making tables for quick comparison.

Which format is more useful for a machine learning model depends on the details of the model. These descriptions can seem a little abstract without some explicit examples.

Stock price: long to wide via pivot

Let's look at the stock prices for Apple (AAPL), Amazon (AMZN), and Google (GOOGL). We can use quandl, or simply scrape the Nasdaq pages, to get some information on how these stocks are doing. Here is a snapshot of the dataframe stock_price_long in "long form"/"tidy form":

Symbol Date Open
AAPL 2018-09-18 217.79
AAPL 2018-09-17 222.15
AAPL 2018-09-14 225.75
AAPL 2018-09-13 223.52
AMZN 2018-09-18 1918.65
AMZN 2018-09-17 1954.73
AMZN 2018-09-14 1992.93
AMZN 2018-09-13 2000.00
GOOGL 2018-09-18 1162.66
GOOGL 2018-09-17 1177.77
GOOGL 2018-09-14 1188.00
GOOGL 2018-09-13 1179.70

Here every row tells us about a specific stock on a specific day. If we wanted to plot the performance of the stock over time, we could use seaborn (which works well with long data sets):

sns.lineplot(x='Date', y='Open', hue='Symbol', data='stock_price_long')


If using matplotlib, long form isn't ideal for making this plot. We can use groupby (or filter) to make the plots:

for group_index, group_frame in stock_frame_long.groupby('Symbol'):
    plt.plot(group_frame['Date'], group_frame['Open'], label=group_index)

plt.ylabel('Open price')


An alternative is to use a wide dataframe. We can make one using the pivot method:

stock_frame_wide = stock_frame_long.pivot(index='Date', columns='Symbol', values='Open')

which produces the following dataframe:

2018-09-13 223.52 2000.00 1179.70
2018-09-12 225.75 1992.93 1188.00
2018-09-17 222.15 1954.73 1177.77
2018-09-18 217.79 1918.65 1162.66

Note that the dates have been moved into the index, which makes plotting relatively simple

for col in stock_frame_wide.columns:

plt.ylabel('Open price')

The advantages of the wide format in this case is that it is a lot easier to present the information to people, and is slightly more natural to use with plotting. The disadvantages of the wide form is that it becomes cumbersome to add or remove columns. For example, if a company goes bankrupt, you have to decide whether to add blank rows, or drop the column. Likewise, if a new company starts, we have missing values for the dates before that company opens.

Olympic Medals: long vs wide with pivot_table

Kaggle has an easy to read data set of Olympic medal winners. Loading the data from the summer olympics we see

Year City Sport Discipline Athlete Country Gender Event Medal
0 1896 Athens Aquatics Swimming HAJOS, Alfred HUN Men 100M Freestyle Gold
1 1896 Athens Aquatics Swimming HERSCHMANN, Otto AUT Men 100M Freestyle Silver
2 1896 Athens Aquatics Swimming DRIVAS, Dimitrios GRE Men 100M Freestyle For Sailors Bronze
3 1896 Athens Aquatics Swimming MALOKINIS, Ioannis GRE Men 100M Freestyle For Sailors Gold
4 1896 Athens Aquatics Swimming CHASAPIS, Spiridon GRE Men 100M Freestyle For Sailors Silver
5 1896 Athens Aquatics Swimming CHOROPHAS, Efstathios GRE Men 1200M Freestyle Bronze
6 1896 Athens Aquatics Swimming HAJOS, Alfred HUN Men 1200M Freestyle Gold

This information is already in long form, which is convenient for storage. The wide form is better for: Visualization: The data is too detailed and not well organized to allow quick visual comparisons. Point summarization: If we wanted to calculate a weighted medal scores - for example 5 points for gold, 3 for silver, and 1 for gold - then this format isn't great for analysis. * Some machine learning models: we might use this data to see if performance in previous Olympic games can help predict the spending of that country in the next Olympic games. In this case, we want to feed the model all the information about a countries performance in a given set of games on a single row to allow it to make predictions.

Let's convert this to a "wide form" with the count of medals, broken down by year, country, gender, and medal type.

Last time we converted from long form to wide form, we used DataFrame.pivot. In that case, each element in the wide table came from a single row. For this problem, we want to aggregate many rows by counting how many occurred, which pivot cannot do. Instead, we are going to use DataFrame.pivot_table in the following way:

summer = pd.read_csv('summer.csv')

summer_wide = (summer.pivot_table(index='Year',
                        columns=['Country', 'Gender', 'Medal'],

All the columns in summer that are not used in the index or columns call to pivot_table (such as "Athlete", "Discipline", and "City") are copied at the top level. The call .loc[:, ('Athlete')] selects just the copy for Athletes.

This dataframe has up to 6 columns per country (3 medal types for each gender), with a total of 558 columns, which is still hard to visualize. We can focus down to just American medals which has only 6 columns, and can keep the number of rows reasonable by looking Olympics ceremonies starting in 1984, using summer_wide.loc[1984:, ('USA')]

('Men', 'Bronze') ('Men', 'Gold') ('Men', 'Silver') ('Women', 'Bronze') ('Women', 'Gold') ('Women', 'Silver')
1984 26 106 70 24 62 45
1988 37 49 45 15 28 19
1992 35 57 31 50 32 19
1996 40 59 32 12 101 16
2000 22 68 29 30 62 37
2004 33 51 33 40 65 42
2008 57 67 29 24 58 80
2012 19 42 27 27 105 30

To show selection using the multi-index, we could also look at women's medals from the US and Canada, starting in 1984:

summer_women = summer_wide.loc[1984:, (['USA', 'CAN'], 'Women',['Gold', 'Silver', 'Bronze'])]
('CAN', 'Women', 'Bronze') ('CAN', 'Women', 'Gold') ('CAN', 'Women', 'Silver') ('USA', 'Women', 'Bronze') ('USA', 'Women', 'Gold') ('USA', 'Women', 'Silver')
1984 11 4 21 24 62 45
1988 7 3 0 15 28 19
1992 2 16 2 50 32 19
1996 7 2 23 12 101 16
2000 20 0 3 30 62 37
2004 3 1 3 40 65 42
2008 4 1 4 24 58 80
2012 29 1 10 27 105 30

Even so, we are left with a lot of different countries, and a very wide table. Still focusing on games from 1984 onward, lets select the countries that have won the most medals:

summer_countries = (summer.pivot_table(index='Year',
                            columns=['Country'], aggfunc='count')

medal_totals = summer_countries.sum(axis=0)
country_mask = (medal_totals.rank(ascending=False) <= 10)
summer_countries.loc[1984:, country_mask]
1984 50 68 72 0 0 63 40 32 0 333
1988 34 29 53 0 44 29 44 16 294 193
1992 57 57 50 198 45 46 33 35 0 224
1996 132 51 26 124 43 71 73 31 0 260
2000 183 66 55 119 53 65 79 32 0 248
2004 157 53 57 149 40 102 76 12 0 264
2008 149 76 77 101 27 42 62 7 0 315
2012 114 82 126 94 26 68 69 23 0 250

We have reduced the dataset down enough that someone would be able to look at it and discern patterns in the data.

Demographic data: wide to long with melt

The wikipedia page for Seattle has the following demographic information presented

Race 2010 1990 1970 1940
1 White 69.5% 75.3% 87.4% 96.1%
2 —Non-Hispanic 66.3% 73.7% 85.3%[112] NaN
3 Black or African American 7.9% 10.1% 7.1% 1.0%
4 Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 6.6% 3.6% 2.0%[112] NaN
5 Asian 13.8% 11.8% 4.2% 2.8%
6 Other race 2.4% NaN NaN NaN
7 Two or more races 5.1% NaN NaN NaN

The numbers in brackets are the classic wikipedia citations. Here we see some of the problems with wide format: early on the questionnaires didn't ask about "other", "two or more races" or "non-hispanic" as categories, so we are forced to use NaNs instead. In long format, we simple wouldn't store this data.

The long format should include the race, the year, and the percentage of population. We will also have to clear the data a little (for example, eliminating the percentage signs and the citation brackets).

We can grab the table with a little experimentation:

# Grab all the tables on the wikipedia page
seattle_tables = pd.read_html('https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seattle')
demographic_wide = seattle_tables[4]

# Convert to long form:
demographic_long = demographic_wide.melt(id_vars='Race',
    value_vars = [2010, 1990, 1970, 1940],
    var_name='Year', value_name='fraction')

This command changes the dataframe to have two new columns: the "variable" column called Year and the "value" called fraction. Each entry in the columns 1940, ..., 2010 gets copied onto its own row, where the column name is entered for the year, and the entry value is used for the fraction:

Race Year fraction
0 White 2010 69.5%
1 —Non-Hispanic 2010 66.3%
2 Black or African American 2010 7.9%
3 Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 2010 6.6%
4 Asian 2010 13.8%
5 Other race 2010 2.4%
6 Two or more races 2010 5.1%
7 White 1990 75.3%
8 —Non-Hispanic 1990 73.7%
9 Black or African American 1990 10.1%
10 Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 1990 3.6%
11 Asian 1990 11.8%
12 Other race 1990 nan
13 Two or more races 1990 nan
14 White 1970 87.4%
15 —Non-Hispanic 1970 85.3%[112]
16 Black or African American 1970 7.1%
17 Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 1970 2.0%[112]
18 Asian 1970 4.2%
19 Other race 1970 nan
20 Two or more races 1970 nan
21 White 1940 96.1%
22 —Non-Hispanic 1940 nan
23 Black or African American 1940 1.0%
24 Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 1940 nan
25 Asian 1940 2.8%
26 Other race 1940 nan
27 Two or more races 1940 nan

We still have a little cleaning to do in the fraction column:

def clean_fractions(series):
    return series.replace(r'%(\s*\[\d*\])?', '', regex=True).astype(float)/100

demographic_long['fraction'] = clean_fractions(demographic_long['fraction'])

Now we have our long form "tidy" dataset:

Race Year fraction
0 White 2010 0.695
1 —Non-Hispanic 2010 0.663
2 Black or African American 2010 0.079
3 Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 2010 0.066
4 Asian 2010 0.138
5 Other race 2010 0.024
6 Two or more races 2010 0.051
7 White 1990 0.753
8 —Non-Hispanic 1990 0.737
9 Black or African American 1990 0.101
10 Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 1990 0.036
11 Asian 1990 0.118
14 White 1970 0.874
15 —Non-Hispanic 1970 0.853
16 Black or African American 1970 0.071
17 Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 1970 0.02
18 Asian 1970 0.042
21 White 1940 0.961
23 Black or African American 1940 0.01
25 Asian 1940 0.028

Summary and next up

  • Going long to wide, where each element in the wide table comes from a single row.
    • Use DataFrame.pivot
    • Reasonably straight-forward
  • Going long to wide, where each element in the wide table is an aggregation of multiple rows.
    • Use DataFrame.pivot_table
    • Will generate a copy of the aggregation for each unused varaible. This could strain memory if the number of columns is large. Possible work arounds are to `group_by` first, or select only the columns you are interested in.
  • Going from wide to long:
    • Usually done to store the data in tidy format.
    • Can be done partially (i.e. convert some variables from wide format to long)
    • Uses the DataFrame.melt command

Other articles on reshaping data you might be interested in:

  1. What is tidy data anyway?
  2. Tidying the results of presidential elections
  3. Clusters for Supervised Learning: Olympic Spending