Munging with MultiIndices: election data

There is lots of data available for the 2016 and 2012 presidential elections, broken down to the county level.

The other election years can typically be found in the form of PDFs, and have to be manually converted. Finding a comprehensive list of election results for multiple years is challenging. Stephen Wolf of the Daily Kos has created an Excel spreadsheet from Dave Leip's Atlas, which gives the election results back as far as 1828.

The trouble is, the Excel sheet is difficult to import into Pandas. Screenshot of presidential election spreadsheet

Note the data is wide, with a multiple headers. The Year spans multiple columns, which is then broken down by candidate. Also note that some years have two candidates, while other years have three or more.

The data shown in the screenshot are shown by percentages of the vote. If we scroll across to column HG, the votes are reported again in raw numbers.

Our goal is to read the data into the following format:

2016,Alabama,729547,"Clinton, Hillary",Democratic,AL
2016,Alaska,116454,"Clinton, Hillary",Democratic,AK
2016,Arizona,1161167,"Clinton, Hillary",Democratic,AZ
2016,Arkansas,380494,"Clinton, Hillary",Democratic,AR
2016,California,8753788,"Clinton, Hillary",Democratic,CA
2016,Colorado,1338870,"Clinton, Hillary",Democratic,CO
2016,Connecticut,897572,"Clinton, Hillary",Democratic,CT

In this post we will walk through the main steps, but a repository including the full code for processing this data set is available here.

Dealing with a MultiIndex

Let's start with a simplified excel spreadsheet with the following format:

Year 2012 2008
State Total Obama, Barak - Democratic Romney, Mitt - Republican Total Obama, Barak - Democratic McCain, John - Republican
Alabama 2074338 795696 1255925 2099819 813479 1266546
Alaska 300495 122640 164676 326197 123594 193841

Note that the sum of the "major" candidates don't sum to the totals. Presumably there are some write-ins that are not counted.

We have also skipped the percentages that occurred at the beginning of the real spreadsheet. Our goal here is to be able to unpack the multiindex.

Let's start by reading in the dataset. We don't try and name the headers.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_excel(filename, header=None)

Our dataframe now looks like

Year 2012 NaN NaN 2008 NaN NaN
State Total Obama, Barak - Democratic Romney, Mitt - Republican Total Obama, Barack - Democratic McCain, John - Republican
Alabama 2074338 795696 1255925 2099819 813479 1266546
Alaska 300495 122640 164676 326197 123594 193841

The merged cells have been split, and the year only appears in the first one. The other cells have been replaced by NaNs.

Now let's make a MultiIndex using the first two rows (year and candidate). Let's start by replacing the NAs using ffill (foward fill). This moves the last non-null value "forward" over null values:

multi_index_values = df.ffill(axis=1).values[:2, 1:]

Note that when we only kept the first couple of columsn, and dropped the first row. Now multi_index_values is

2012 2012 2012 2008 2008 2008
Total Obama, Barak - Democratic Romney, Mitt - Republican Total Obama, Barack - Democratic McCain, John - Republican

Let's make a multi-index, and make a dataframe out of it. Recall the first two rows included the headers, so we are copying the index from row 2 down. We are making the state (i.e. column 0) the row index.

multi_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(multi_index_values, names=['year', 'CANDIDATES'])
multi_df = pd.DataFrame(df.values[2:, 1:], index=df.values[2:, 0], columns=multi_index)

Now our dataframe in pandas is almost in the same layout as the original worksheet.

Year 2012 2008
CANDIDATES Total Obama, Barak - Democratic Romney, Mitt - Republican Total Obama, Barak - Democratic McCain, John - Republican
Alabama 2074338 795696 1255925 2099819 813479 1266546
Alaska 300495 122640 164676 326197 123594 193841


We have the problem that our columns are actually names of variables. At the top level of the column index, we have the years. At the lower level, we have the candidates. We can undo this with the unstack command:

unstacked_df = multi_df.unstack()

Here unstacked_df has the form

2012  Obama, Barack - Democratic  Alabama     795696
                                  Alaska     122640
      Romney, Mitt - Republican   Alabama    1255925
                                  Alaska     164676
2008  Obama, Barack - Democratic  Alabama    813479
                                  Alaska     123594
      McCain, John - Republican   Alabama    1266546
                                  Alaska     193841

Calling unstacked_df.reset_index() fills out the columns:

year      CANDIDATES               level_2      0
2012  Obama, Barack - Democratic   Alabama   795696
2012  Obama, Barack - Democratic   Alaska    122640
2012  Romney, Mitt - Republican    Alabama  1255925
2012  Romney, Mitt - Republican    Alaska    164676
2008  Obama, Barack - Democratic   Alabama   813479
2008  Obama, Barack - Democratic   Alaska    123594
2008  McCain, John - Republican    Alabama  1266546
2008  McCain, John - Republican    Alaska    193841

We can separate the candidate and party information with the following lines:

unstacked_df['candidate'] = unstacked_df.CANDIDATES.str.split('-').str[0].str.strip()
unstacked_df['party'] = unstacked_df.CANDIDATES.str.split('-').str[1].str.strip()
unstacked_df.drop('CANDIDATES', axis=1, inplace=True)

The final product

Once we have this, a rename on the columns level_2 and 0 give us

   year  state      votes    candidate      party
0  2012  Alabama   795696  Obama, Barack  Democratic
1  2012   Alaska   122640  Obama, Barack  Democratic
2  2012  Alabama  1255925   Romney, Mitt  Republican
3  2012   Alaska   164676   Romney, Mitt  Republican
4  2008  Alabama   813479  Obama, Barack  Democratic
5  2008   Alaska   123594  Obama, Barack  Democratic
6  2008  Alabama  1266546   McCain, John  Republican
7  2008   Alaska   193841   McCain, John  Republican

This is a simplified process. We didn't show the join to create the "short state code", or show how to skip the columns in the spreadsheet that contain the percentages. A complete description of the process can be found in this github repo. If you are just interested in the results, you can find them in this gist instead.